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Chicago Pedro-Lastra.jpg

Marketer. Connector. writer.

Nice to Meet You


Marketer. Connector. writer.

Nice to Meet You

Thanks for visiting my website.

Jon is a loyal member of the River North Business Association and a dedicated committee volunteer. I’ve worked with Jon for two years and I can vouch for Jon’s ability to write creative and genuine articles for the ‘News & Views’ portion of our Association’s website. Jon is great at looking at the big picture when it comes to marketing.
— Liz Schulze, Director of Marketing and Special Events at River North Business Association

You'll learn a little about me, the work I do, my family and more.

Here’s one of those rare marketers that connects all the dots. Online and offline, email marketing and events, content marketing and networking, search optimization and social media. Jon knows how to blend channels to maximum effect. Don’t ever miss the chance to work with Jon. Don’t miss a chance to sit down with him. And if nothing else, just stand back and watch how he does it. Jon is doing an amazing job growing the Cushing brand as well as his own.
— Andy Crestodina, Orbit Media
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With My Co-Workers

With My Co-Workers

photo finish (oops... start!)

In my current role I am visit many Chicagoland businesses to take photos.



DuPage Children's Museum


Solstice Mobile


Jon is an analytical and energetic marketer, and sees the bigger picture. He helped me set up our Google Search Console and provided tips to understand ways to improve our website content. He has great ideas and overall, it is a pleasure having him as a personal and professional contact!
— Luke Hall, Co-Founder at HomePROS App & President at Certified Pest Control